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Sample Module

This is an example of a module that can be installed onto your master which will work with TCAdmin.

Sample View Page

Sample View Page - HelloWorld.cshtml

@model Game.HelloWorldModel
Layout = this.GetTemplateFile("Shared/Main.cshtml", true);

$(document).ready(function () {
document.title = "@TCAdmin.SDK.Web.MVC.Template.GetSelectedTemplateTitle() " + "Hello World!"; // Sets the page title
$('.header-text').html("Hello World - A Sample Module") // Sets the page header

@section head{


@section sidebar{
@Html.Action("_PageIcons", "Service", new { id = Model.Service.ServiceId }) @*Adds the service buttons to the sidebar*@
<br />
@Model.Message @*Displays the 'Hello World' message*@
<br />
<br />
@Model.ServiceStartedOn @*Displays information about the service startup time & process id*@

Sample Controller

Sample Controller - HelloWorldController.cs

using System.Web.Mvc;
using TCAdmin.SDK.Web.MVC.Controllers;

namespace Game
public class HelloWorldModel
public string Message { get; set; }
public string ServiceStartedOn { get; set; }
public TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.Objects.Service Service { get; set; }

public class HelloWorldController : BaseServiceController
[ParentAction("Service", "Home")]
public ActionResult Index(int id)
//Make sure the user has permission this feature

var model = new HelloWorldModel();
//Gets the current service
model.Service = TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.Objects.Service.GetSelectedService();
//Sets the message variable
model.Message = "Hello World!";
//Gets information about the service startup
model.ServiceStartedOn = string.Format($"{model.Service.ConnectionInfo} was started on {TCAdmin.SDK.Misc.Dates.UniversalTimeToCurrentTimeZone(model.Service.Status.StartTime)} with process id {model.Service.Status.ProcessId}");

return View("HelloWorld", model);

Installing The Custom Module

How to install the module after compiling it with TCAdmin:

  1. Copy SampleModule.dll to TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\bin-extensions
  2. Copy HelloWorld.cshtml to ControlPanel.MVC\Views\[ThemeFolder]\Game\Service
  3. Clear the contents of TCAdmin2\Cache and restart the monitor
  4. You can then navigate to the module in your browser e.g

Module Preview

What this module looks like:


Module Download