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Setting up IIS with TCAdmin

Install IIS with Support for ASP.NET 4.0/4.5 Development

  1. Install IIS on your system with support for ASP.NET 4.0/4.5 development. ASP.NET development can be found in Server Roles -> Web Server (IIS) -> Application Development - > .NET Extensibility 4.x.

Set up SQLite Database

  1. Copy TCAdmin2\Monitor\sqlite3.dll to C:\Windows\System32 if you are using an SQLite database.

Configure IIS

  1. Add the user TCAWeb to the IIS_IUSRS group.

  2. Manually create a website in IIS Manager:

    • Web root: Program Files\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC
    • Application pool: .NET v4.5
  3. In IIS Manager, right-click on the created website and select "Add Application":

    • Name: Aspx (case-sensitive)
    • Web root: Program Files\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel
    • Application pool: .NET v4.5
  4. Select the website in IIS Manager:

    • Click on "Basic Settings"
    • Under "Connect as...", enter the user and password of the Windows user that runs your website.
    • Ensure this user has full permissions on the following folders:
      • ControlPanel
      • ControlPanel.MVC
      • Cache
      • Temp
      • Logs
      • Database
      • Read permissions on Monitor\Shared
  5. If using TCAWeb, start the monitor in console mode and execute tcaweb-pass to obtain the password or attach TCAdmin2\Monitor\TCAWeb.config to a support ticket for assistance.

  6. Configure the Aspx application to run with the same user as the main website.

  7. If using Let's Encrypt, bind the website to a specific IP and hostname to prevent TCAdmin from changing the website's certificate.

  8. Give full permissions to IIS APPPOOL\.NET v4.5 on the following folders:

    • C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Cache
    • C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Temp
    • C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Logs\Web
    • C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel
    • C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC
    • C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Database

Database Configuration

  1. Execute the following command on your database to disable the built-in web server:

    DELETE FROM tc_server_enabled_components WHERE module_id = '07405876-e8c2-4b24-a774-4ef57f596384' AND component_id = 2 AND server_id = 1;
  2. If you need to enable the built-in web server again, use the following command:

    INSERT INTO tc_server_enabled_components (module_id, component_id, server_id) values ('07405876-e8c2-4b24-a774-4ef57f596384', 2, 1);

Disable Output Caching

  1. Disable output caching to prevent issues with user sessions:
    • Open IIS Manager
    • Select your website
    • Double click on "Output Caching"
    • Under Actions on the right side, click on "Edit Feature Settings"
    • Uncheck "Enable Cache" and "Enable kernel cache"
    • Click OK

Configure IIS with Multiple Worker Processes

  1. Follow the instructions above to disable the built-in web server.

  2. Start the ASP.NET state service and set the startup to Automatic:

    • Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Services
  3. Edit TCAdmin2\ControlPanel\Web.config and TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\Web.config:

    • Replace <sessionState timeout="30"/> with <sessionState mode="StateServer" stateConnectionString="tcpip=localhost:42424" cookieless="false" timeout="30" />
  4. Open IIS Manager and select the advanced properties of the .NET Application pool. Increase the number of worker processes as needed.


  1. Download Certify The Web: Visit the official website of Certify The Web at and download the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows).

  2. Install Certify The Web: Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install Certify The Web on your system.


Here is the full documentation to Certify The Web

Use Custom SSL Certificate (Windows) (optional)

  1. Install the SSL certificate in Windows. Follow the instructions at Trustico.

  2. Launch the TCAdmin 2 Configuration Utility:

    • Go to Start > Programs > TCAdmin 2 > Configuration Utility
  3. Navigate through the utility until you reach the IP and port settings.

  4. Check the option to use a custom certificate and select it from the list.

  5. Continue through the utility until the monitor is restarted.


The actual URLs, paths, and commands may need adjustments based on your specific setup and requirements.