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Windows FAQ

Configure the TCAdmin Website to Run with IIS

Q1. How can I configure the TCAdmin website to run with IIS on Windows?

A1. To configure the TCAdmin website to run with IIS on Windows, follow the instructions provided in the article titled Setting Up IIS With TCAdmin.

Use a Custom SSL Certificate (Windows)

Q2. How can I use a custom SSL certificate for the control panel website on Windows?

A2. To use a custom SSL certificate for the control panel website on Windows, follow these steps: Use Custom SSL Certificate (Windows)

Enable Web Console for Game Servers with Text Console

This method allows you to enable the web console for Windows game servers that have a text console, even if they don't create a log file with the output.

Q3. How can I enable the web console for a game server with a text console on Windows?

A3. To enable the web console for a game server with a text console on Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Settings" > "Games."

  2. Select the specific game for which you want to enable the web console.

  3. Navigate to the "Custom Scripts" section.

  4. Add a new batch script for the after-start event with the following command. Leave "Execute as the service's user" unchecked and set the order to 0:

    copy /y "%TCAdminFolder%\Monitor\Tools\TCAdminConsoleWrapper.exe" "%ThisService_RootDirectory%TCAdminConsoleWrapper.exe"
  5. Add another batch script for the after-start event with this command. This time, check "Execute as the service's user" and set the order to 1:

    cd /d "%ThisService_RootDirectory%"
    start TCAdminConsoleWrapper.exe -pid=%ThisService_Pid% -output=console.log
  6. Return to the game settings.

  7. In the "Web Console" tab, enable the web console and set the web console output to console.log.

  8. Save your changes and click on "Update Existing Services."

  9. Go to the game server and restart it. If you click on the web console, it should work.

Now, the web console should be enabled for your Windows game server with a text console, allowing you to access it via the TCAdmin control panel.