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System Requirements

System requirements for optimal performance:

Operating SystemVersionSupportedNotes
Windows Server2012 R2NoSupport End October 10, 2023
Windows Server2016YesSupport End Jan 12, 2027
Windows Server2019YesSupport End Jan 9, 2029
Windows Server2022YesSupport End Oct 14, 2031
Windows10 (32/64 bit)YesSupport End Oct 14, 2025
Windows11YesIn Support


Optional components

  • Recommended registry changes
  • A MySQL database located on the same server is recommended for best performance. Mysql (TCAdmin Supports MySQL 8 Password Encryption for Authentication)

Required by almost all games

Windows & Linux


If you plan on having remote servers, it is recommended that you use a MySQL database. You can convert your SQLite database to MySQL at any time using the conversion tool included in TCAdmin.