📄️ Allow User to Change the Exe
1. Create an iron python script for the game's Custom Icon event with these lines. Check Prompt for variable values and allow user access.
📄️ Allow User to Change Slots
1. Create an iron python script for the game's Custom Icon event with these lines. Check "Prompt for variable values" and allow user access.
📄️ Automatically Create a MySQL Database
Rather than utilizing these legacy scripts, we advise installing the MySQL Manager module for optimal results.
📄️ Backup & Restore Scripts
Secure your Backups folder
📄️ Backup & Restore Scripts with FTP Support
These scripts are a modified version of Backup & Restore_Scripts. Instead of keeping a local copy of the zip it will get uploaded to FTP. Locally in the backups folder you will see a zip with 0 bytes. This is used to remember which files have been uploaded.
📄️ Check slots, ip and port in config file before starting
Option 1 - Update values if they have been modified (requires database connection)
📄️ Custom Login Form
Use this sample form. Make sure you change "http8880/Login" to your control panel's Login.aspx.
📄️ Install mod from WHMCS
Game Mods
📄️ Kill all processes running from the game server's root folder
This Windows batch script kills all running processes located in the game server's root directory and sub directories.
📄️ Limit Service's Disk Space
Configure disk quotas in your drive
📄️ Open and close ports in Windows firewall
If you enable support for Windows firewall in TCAdmin it will add the game server's executable to the firewall exceptions. If the game server is started with a .bat this will not work. You can set a custom batch script for the after created event that opens the game server's ports or adds the correct executable and a script for the after deleted event that closes the ports.
📄️ Restart service if used more than x cpu or memory for the last 3 queries
Create a query monitoring rule
📄️ Restart service when last player disconnects
Create the scripts
📄️ Restart service when last player disconnects
This script will stop the game server if it has been empty for 2 days. Add the IronPython script for the query monitoring event.
📄️ Update IP and port in WHMCS
When you create a game server with the billing API WHMCS does not get updated with the game server's IP and port. This can be updated using the built in recurring task or custom scripts.