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Restart service when last player disconnects

This script will stop the game server if it has been empty for 2 days. Add the IronPython script for the query monitoring event.


A MySQL database is required.

import clr
from System import DateTime, String
from TCAdmin.SDK.Database import DatabaseManager

now = DateTime.UtcNow
start = ThisService.StartTime
if now.Subtract(start).Days >= 2 :
Script.WriteToConsole("Checking stats for players in the last 2 days...")
db = DatabaseManager.CreateDatabaseManager()
dt = db.Execute(String.Format("select * from tc_game_service_detailed_stats where service_id={0} and players > 0 and detailed_date >= ( CURDATE() - INTERVAL 2 DAY )", ThisService.ServiceId))
if dt.Rows.Count == 0 :
ThisService.Stop("No players connected in the last 2 days")