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This Game


  • CommandLines - Get the game's command lines configuration.

  • CommandLinesTemplate - Get the game id used as a template for the command line configuration.

  • ConfigFiles - Get the game's configuration files.

  • CustomVariables - Get the game's custom variables.

  • CustomVariablesTemplate - Get the game id used as a template for the custom variables configuration.

  • DefaultSlots - Get/set the default slots for this game.

  • GameId - Get/set the game id.

  • IsTemplate - Get/set if the game will be available as a template for other games.

  • IsVoiceServer - Get/set if the game is treated as a voice server.

  • MaxSlots - Get/set the maximum number of slots supported by this game.

  • MinSlots - Get/set the minimum number of slots supported by this game.

  • Name - Get/set the game name.

  • NameWithOperatingSystem - Get the game's operating system and name.

  • OperatingSystem - Get/set the game's operating system.

  • PrivateRuleName - Get/set the private rule name used to determine if the game server is private.

  • PrivateRuleValue - Get/set the private rule value used to determine if the game server is private.

  • QueryProtocol - Get/set the protocol used to query the game server.

  • ShortName - Get/set the game's short name.

  • ShortNameWithOperatingSystem - Get the game's operating system and name.

  • ShowInCreateList - Get/set if the game will be shown in the create list.