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This Service


  • Affinity - Get/set the game service's processor affinity.

  • BillingId - The service's id in your billing software.

  • BillingStatus - The service's status in your billing software.

  • Branded - Get/set if the game service is branded.

  • ConnectionInfo - Get the IP and port of the game server.

  • CurrentPid - Current process id of the game server.

  • CustomPort1 - Get/set the game service's custom port 1.

  • CustomPort2 - Get/set the game service's custom port 2.

  • CustomPort3 - Get/set the game service's custom port 3.

  • CustomPort4 - Get/set the game service's custom port 4.

  • CustomPort5 - Get/set the game service's custom port 5.

  • Executable - Get/set the executable of this game service.

  • FtpInfo - Get the IP and port of the FTP server.

  • GameId - Get/set this service's game id.

  • GameKey - The game key assigned to this service.

  • GameName - Get this service's game name.

  • GamePort - Get/set the game service's game port.

  • GameShortName - Get this service's game short name.

  • GameShortNameAndConnectionInfo - Get the game type and IP and port of the game server.

  • IpAddress - Get/set if the game service's IP address.

  • IpHostname - Get the IP's hostname. If the IP does not have a hostname, the IP is returned.

  • IsVoiceServer - Get if this service is a voice server.

  • Name - Get/set the name of this game service.

  • NameNoHtml - Get the name of this service without HTML tags.

  • OverrideCommandLine - Specify if the service uses a custom commandline.

  • Priority - Get/set the game service's process priority.

  • Private - Get/set if the game service is private.

  • PublicIpAddress - Returns the service's public IP address (resolves the IP's configured hostname).

  • QueryPort - Get/set the game service's query port.

  • RConPort - Get/set the game service's RCon port.

  • RootDirectory - Get/set the root directory of this game service.

  • RunAsUserName - Get the Windows/Linux user that executes the process.

  • ServerId - Get/set the server where this game service is located.

  • ServerName - Get this service's server name.

  • ServiceId - Get/set the game service id.

  • Slots - Get/set the slots for this game service.

  • Startup - Get/set the game service's startup type.

  • Status - Get the service status information.

  • StatusFromCache - Get the service status information from cache if available.

  • UnparsedCommandLine - Get/set the command line of this game service.

  • UserId - Get/set the owner of this game service.

  • UserName - Get this service's user name.

  • UserPackageId - Get/set the user package id assigned to this service.

  • Variables - Get/set the service variables. This field is in XML format.

  • WorkingDirectory - Get/set the working directory of this game service.

Custom Variables

Custom variable values can be accessed from scripts using the following formats.

Iron Python
Windows batch script
Linux shell script