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This User


  • Address1 - Get/set address line 1 of 3.

  • Address2 - Get/set address line 2 of 3.

  • Address3 - Get/set address line 3 of 3.

  • BillingId - The user's id in your billing software.

  • BillingStatus - The user's status in your billing software.

  • City - Get/set the user's city.

  • Country - Get/set the user's country.

  • Email1 - Get/set the user's primary email account.

  • Email2 - Get/set the user's secondary email account.

  • FirstName - Get/set the user's first name.

  • FullName - Returns the user's full name.

  • HomePhone - Get/set the user's home phone number.

  • LastLogin - Get the last login date in the local or current user's time zone.

  • LastLoginIp - Get/set the last login IP of the current user.

  • LastLoginUtc - Get the last login date in UTC.

  • LastName - Get/set the user's last name.

  • MobilePhone - Get/set the user's mobile phone number.

  • OwnerId - Get/set the parent user id.

  • OwnerIdFriendlyName - Get the owner id's username.

  • Password - Get/set the user password.

  • RoleId - Get/set the user's role id.

  • RoleName - Returns the name of the user's role.

  • State - Get/set the user's state.

  • Status - Get/set the user's status. Changing the value will only affect the control panel/FTP login.

  • TimeZone - Get/set the user's time zone.

  • UserId - Get/set the user id.

  • UserName - Get/set the username used to log in to TCAdmin.

  • UserType - Returns the user's type.

  • Zip - Get/set the user's zip code.