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This Server


  • DatacenterId - Get/set the server's datacenter id.

  • GameFilesPath - Get the server's game files path.

  • IsMaster - Get/set if the server is the master server.

  • NumberOfProcessors - Number of processors that the server has. If this is a virtual server the value is the number of processors assigned.

  • MonitorAffinity - The affinity assigned to the monitor.

  • OperatingSystem - Get/set the server's operating system.

  • PrimaryIp - Get/set the server's primary IP.

  • ServerId - Get/set the server id.

  • TotalSlotsInUse - Get the total slots assigned to services in this server.

  • UserFilesPath - Get the server's user files path.

  • CustomField1 to CustomField15 - Custom values defined in the server's settings.